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Ahyiana Angel

Founder, Author, Top Career Podcaster and Motivational Speaker

Ahyiana Angel is the Creator of Mayzie Media, a podcast development and production company. Mayzie Media guides companies helping them increase their reach and impact by leveraging the power of the podcast. Under Ahyiana’s leadership, the company has worked on the production of multiple Spotify podcasts, developed shows for international clients, and consulted with Fortune 500 companies in developing their internal podcast networks. Ahyiana has developed and conducted training programs centered around planning, packaging, and publishing podcasts for top companies.

A creative businesswoman, Ahyiana is known for a results-based, no-fluff approach to her work. As a result of her own career transitions, from NBA Publicist to Author, she began to host the Switch, Pivot or Quit podcast, which has been featured by Apple in their "Inspiring Women" and "Bold Women" collections.

For her proven track record of success and dedication to personal and professional development, Ahyiana has been invited to speak at companies and conferences including Google, Spotify, Create & Cultivate, Tech Inclusion, and the Werk It Festival. Her media features include the likes of Forbes, Entrepreneur, Black Enterprise, and Essence.

Ahyiana is a multi-faceted writer who has penned fiction and non-fiction works. Her latest book, Quit Playing Small, is an in-demand personal growth book used for morning routines. It also has a podcast and workshop component that Ahyiana facilitates both virtually and in person at corporations and conferences. 

If you plant a seed, growth is inevitable

Ahyiana Angel

Ahyiana Angel at Live Switch, Pivot or Quit Podcast Show
Ahyiana Angel at Werk It Festival
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